The Complete List of Global Horizontal Irradiance Solar Dos and Don’ts


As the world increasingly turns to solar energy as a sustainable power source, understanding Global Horizontal Irradiance solar (GHI) becomes crucial. GHI represents the total solar radiation received per unit horizontal surface. Here is a comprehensive list of dos and don’ts to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of solar energy systems.


  • Site Selection:
    • Do conduct a thorough solar site analysis. Choose locations with minimal shading and optimal sun exposure throughout the day.
  • Regular Maintenance:
    • Do establish a routine maintenance schedule. Regularly clean solar panels to ensure maximum light absorption and inspect for any damage.
  • Invest in Quality Equipment:
    • Do invest in high-quality solar panels and related equipment. While it may be tempting to cut costs, long-term efficiency and durability are key considerations.
  • Utilise Solar Trackers:
    • Do consider using solar trackers. These devices optimise panel orientation, tracking the sun’s movement for increased energy capture.
  • Weather Monitoring:
    • Do monitor weather conditions. Understanding how weather patterns affect solar radiation helps in planning for variations in energy production.
  • Battery Storage:
    • Do invest in battery storage systems. Storing excess energy generated during peak sunlight hours ensures a consistent power supply during periods of low sunlight.


  • Ignoring Shading Issues:
    • Don’t ignore shading issues. Even partial shading on a solar panel can significantly reduce energy production. Identify and address shading concerns promptly.
  • Neglecting Maintenance:
    • Don’t neglect routine maintenance. Dust, debris, and bird droppings can accumulate on panels, hindering their performance. Regular cleaning is essential for optimal efficiency.
  • Overlooking Inverter Performance:
    • Don’t overlook inverter performance. Inverters convert DC power generated by solar panels into usable AC power. Ensure inverters are functioning optimally to maximise energy conversion.
  • Installing Panels in Poorly Oriented Locations:
    • Don’t install solar panels in poorly oriented locations. Proper alignment towards the sun’s path is critical for capturing maximum sunlight and optimising energy production.
  • Skipping Professional Installation:
    • Don’t attempt DIY installations unless you have expertise in solar systems. Professional installation ensures proper alignment, wiring, and adherence to safety standards.
  • Ignoring Local Regulations:
    • Don’t ignore local regulations and permits. Ensure compliance with building codes and zoning regulations before installing solar systems to avoid legal complications.


Improving the productivity of sunlight based energy frameworks through cautious thought of Worldwide Even Irradiance rules and regulations is fundamental for a reasonable and dependable power age. Whether you are a mortgage holder, entrepreneur, or energy proficient, observing these rules will add to outfitting the maximum capacity of sun based energy and advancing a greener, more maintainable future.

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